Your Choice Plan Management

Service Agreements

We help break it down.

You may have heard our Plan Managers ask “ do you have a service agreement in place “ when talking with you about your providers.

Service agreements sounds like an overwhelming document, but believe us they are not! They allow you to have choice and control in the delivery of your supports.

What is a Service Agreement?

A Service Agreement is a written agreement between you and your provider. They differ from your NDIS Plan, which lists your NDIS supports. Instead your Service Agreement outlines the delivery of those supports. They are made between you and your provider or between another person (like a family member or friend).

Your Service Agreement should explain each party’s responsibilities and obligations and how to resolve any problems that may arise. For example, what happens if you cannot make your appointment at the last minute?

What do you include on your Service Agreement?

The Service Agreement should be a simple layout and include the following information:

  • The supports provided under the service agreement
  • The cost of the supports
  • How, when, and where you would like your supports to be provided
  • How long you need the supports to be provided
  • When and how your service agreement will be reviewed
  • How any problems or issues that may arise will be dealt with
  • Your responsibilities under the Service Agreement – such as letting your provider know if you cannot make an appointment
  • Your provider’s responsibilities under the Service Agreement – such as working with you to deliver your supports in the right way.

You have the choice and control.

When both parties have agreed to the service agreement, you will both know what your expectations are.

Remember, you have choice and control in the delivery of your supports.  This means having a choice over who provides your supports and how they are provided! The YCPM website has an example of a service agreement on the NDIS Participants page or you can visit the website.

Have questions? For more information don’t hesitate to contact our friendly YCPM team.

1300 497 492

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