Your Choice Plan Management

about us

About Us

Here at Your Choice Plan Management, we value YOU!

YOU are our reason for coming to work each day. There is nothing more satisfying than helping YOU to achieve your goals and helping carers to spend time with you instead of book-keeping.

When you choose Your Choice Plan Management, you can choose to spend more time doing whatever you like. What will you choose?

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Our Story

our story

A not-for-profit putting people before profits

Your Choice Plan Management provides NDIA Plan Management services to NDIS participants and their carers to help them exercise choice of providers and control their funding. We promise same-day processing of invoices so that participants receive their refunds and providers are paid as soon as possible. In addition to providing real-time invoice processing, we offer you the safe hands of a team of highly trained Plan Managers who are warm, understanding and highly competent.

Your Choice Plan Management was established in 2019 and is part of Your Best Life Disability and Health Services Ltd. We are a not-for-profit organisation that grew from the iconic and long-standing Children’s Therapy Centre following the introduction of the NDIS. The Children’s and Teens’ Therapy Services has provided therapy and family support services to people with disabilities for more than 30 years. We are a trusted and well-known company.

We are committed to growing and diversifying to meet the real, expressed needs of NDIS participants through a not-for-profit company that puts people before profits.

Your Choice Plan Management is NDIS-registered and we have achieved full quality certification under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission requirements. As a not for profit company, Your Choice Plan Management invests surplus funds into our mission of providing quality services that help people live their best lives no matter what health, disabilities and other circumstances they face.

Continuity of Care Emergency and Disaster

Your health and safety and that of our staff are of the utmost importance to us, especially during extreme weather events, virus outbreaks, and other hazardous circumstances. 


As a registered and accredited NDIS service provider, we have a duty to provide continuity of care to our clients.  This means we may take extra precautions and can offer telehealth services by video or phone where appropriate.

About Our CEO

Your choice plan management ceo ms debbie blumel

About our ceo

Ms Debbie Blumel BA, BSocWk, MSocWK, MBA, GAICD, has extensive experience in strategic leadership positions in health, disability and housing organisations during times of great challenges and transformational change. Debbie is a Director of the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Services Board and a member of the Sunshine Coast AICD Regional Committee.

Debbie served as a Councillor on the Sunshine Coast Council (SCC) where she held the Major Projects Portfolio, was a member of the Organisational Performance and Service Delivery Committee, and represented SCC on the Council of Mayors’ Infrastructure Committee. Debbie was chair of Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast and was elected to represent Queensland coastal councils on the National Sea Change Taskforce.

In 2012, Debbie was appointed CEO Northern Territory Medicare Local with a focus on improving the primary health care system and streamlining patient pathways, particularly for remote Indigenous peoples. In 2016, Debbie accepted the position of CEO Children’s Therapy Centre to transform the longstanding and iconic company for the NDIS environment.

Debbie is the mother of three adult daughters and the very proud grandmother of three delightful little grandchildren – two boys and one girl (so far!) She has strong family connections with people with disabilities including her nephew and godson, the amazing Scott Stanton now aged 28 years.

Do you have feedback?

Your feedback is valuable to our team to continue to grow and improve the experience we offer to our clients.

If there is feedback you would like to leave, both positive and construction, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We welcome all feedback.