Did you know YCPM offers our clients access to the Careview Advantage app which offers real-time information about your NDIS plan funding.
Some advantages of using the Careview Advantage are:
- View and approve or decline your invoices
- See your budget totals at any time, 24/7
- Additional transparency of your NDIS funding, in addition to the monthly statement you receive.
The Careview Advantage App is easy to download and set up.
If you are not already using the Careview Advantage App and would like to try, please contact your Plan Manager who will set up access for you
How to access the app?
We are here to help!
Contact the YCPM team on 1300 497 492 and we will provide you with instructions on how to download it and show you the features.
You will also receive a ‘How to’ guide,